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Parents' and carers' information

Parents' and carers' information

Term dates

Term dates

TERM DATES 2024-25

Term 1

Inset days: Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 September 2024
 Wednesday 4 September 2024 - Years 10 and 12 only
All year groups: Thursday 5 September 2024
Ends: Friday 25 October 2024

Term 2:

Starts: Monday 4 November 2024
Inset day: Friday 29 November 2024
Ends: Friday 20 December 2024 - early closure 

Term 3

Starts: Monday 6 January 2025
Ends: Thursday 13 February 2025
Inset day: Friday 14 February 2025

Term 4

Starts: Monday 24 February 2025
Ends: Friday 4 April 2025

Term 5

Starts: Tuesday 22 April 2025
Ends: Friday 23 May 2025

Term 6

Starts: Monday 2 June 2025
Inset day: Friday 20 June 2025
Inset day: Friday 4 July
Ends:  Friday 18 July 2025
Inset days
: Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 July 2025

Printer friendly version of the term dates 2024-25 (Pdf)

Results of the parent and carer survey

Results of the parent and carer survey

Many thanks to all of our parents/carers who took the time to fill in a survey form at one of our parent/carer evenings in the last twelve months.  We received an incredible response.

The anonymous questionnaire was based closely on the questions which Ofsted, the body responsible for monitoring standards in schools, use to judge parental satisfaction at schools across England.

We received a huge endorsement for the culture of confidence, respect and success that lies at the core of our school.  This was demonstrated by the fact that:

  • 100% of our students are happy at school
  • 96% of Parents would recommend our school to others

Teaching and learning was also noted as a strength, with responses showing that:

  • 91% notice their son or daughter making good progress
  • 96% believe the school has high expectations

Safeguarding and welfare are our very highest priorities at Wellsway, and we were delighted to be told that:

  • 100% of parents/carers believe their children are safe
  • 100% feel that behaviour is good at the school

The survey has also helped us to identify areas for development.  We have recently reviewed and improved our behaviour systems and will continue to seek the opinions of students, parents and carers to ensure that these changes have a positive impact.  The number of bullying incidents reported at IKB is extremely low and we therefore urge you to contact us at enquiries@ikbacademy.org.uk if you have any concerns in relation to your child or another individual.



IKB Academy expects the highest levels of attendance, and every student should aim for 100%. Full attendance is a critical factor in ensuring positive educational outcomes and that our students reach their social potential. We are committed to providing high quality inclusive learning opportunities for all students. Any problems that impede full attendance need to be identified and addressed as quickly as possible.

If a student will be absent then we ask that the parent or carer call us on each day of absence.

Tel: 0117 916 1025

In our experience:

  • If a student's attendance rate is 100% they are likely to achieve or exceed what we would normally predict.
  • If a student's attendance rate falls below 90% they are likely to achieve an average of one grade lower than expected in all subjects.
  • If a student's attendance rate falls below 80% they are likely to achieve an average of two grades lower than expected in all subjects.

‘Central to raising standards in education and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential is an assumption so widely understood that it is insufficiently stated – pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school.’ (Department for Education, 2017)

Student absence request

The school can only grant leave of absence during term time for exceptional circumstances. Any request for leave must be made in writing for the attention of the Principal in advance. IKB Academy follows the local authority’s guidelines to address attendance which may include the use of statutory powers which involves the use of penalty notices and court prosecution.

Parents wishing the school to consider granting leave of absence in school term time should read these notes carefully and then complete the Absence Request Form. This form should be sent to the school in time for the request to be considered well before the desired period of absence. Parents are strongly advised not to finalise any arrangements before receiving the school’s decision on their request. In any event the request form must be received by the school at least two weeks before the departure date to allow sufficient time for appropriate consideration.

The granting of leave of absence in school term time is, by law, a matter for consideration and decision by the school. There is no automatic right to any leave in term time. The Department for Education (DfE) and our policy is that family holidays should not be taken in school term time. Where such requests are made, for the leave to be granted, the Principal will decide if there are exceptional circumstances.

Each case will be considered individually and on its own merits. Parents need, therefore, to consider very carefully before making any request for leave of absence the demands of the national and wider school curriculum especially around examination stages. In considering a request, the school will take account of:

  • the exceptional circumstances stated that have given rise to the request;
  • the age of the child;
  • the stage of the child’s education and progress and the effects of the requested absence on both elements;
  • the overall attendance pattern of the child;
  • the nature of the trip;
  • students on examination courses will not normally be granted leave of absence.

Absence request forms

School performance

School performance

Headline results for 2023

Key Stage 4 (end of secondary school) results 

  • Progress 8*: -0.56
  • Attainment 8: 34.1
  • Grade 5+ (strong pass) in English and Mathematics: 16%
  • Grade 4+ (pass) in English and Mathematics: 44%
  • % entering the English Baccalaureate: 2%
  • % students staying on to education or employment after Key Stage 4 (2020): 89%

Key stage 5 (16 to 18) information 2019 (not current)

  • Averge A Level grade: D
  • Averge Academic subjects: D

IKB does not cover the full Progress 8 period

Some schools start educating pupils partway through the 5 year period covered by Progress 8, which should be taken into account when comparing their results with schools that start at Key Stage 3. Progress 8 is not the most appropriate performance measure for university technical colleges, studio schools and some further education colleges. These establishments typically start educating pupils at age 14, with a focus on preparing pupils for their future careers by providing an integrated academic and professional education. Other headline measures, particularly pupil destinations, are more important for these establishments.

Further information



Key contacts

IKB is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, partners and volunteers to share this commitment. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.

The procedures contained in the safeguarding and child protection policy apply to all staff and governors and are consistent with those of the local safeguarding children board (LSCB) the school works in partnership with other children’s services.

Our core safeguarding principles are:

  • the school’s responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children is of paramount importance
  • safer children make more successful learners
  • representatives of the whole-school community of students, parents, staff , industry partners and governors will be involved in policy development and review
  • policies will be reviewed annually, unless an incident or new legislation or guidance suggests the need for an interim review.

Everyone employed at IKB has a responsibility for child protection. In most cases this will be the referral of concerns to her/his line manager. In day to day contact with children at risk, we note concerns and meet with parents and other associated adults, where this is appropriate. 

Increasingly, schools work with, and support different agencies to enable the most appropriate form of intervention to take place. The safeguarding and child protection policy outlines the role of IKB, the procedures that staff will follow and guidance on issues related to child protection generally. It is not exhaustive. All staff should place the needs and safety of the child as being at the centre of any decision they may need to take. The child protection and safeguarding policy seeks to ensure that child welfare is an absolute priority and to develop the understanding of all staff. All members of the school staff are expected to uphold this policy and receive regular child protection training.

Due consideration has also been given to The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 and our child protection and safeguarding policy has been written in accordance with the DfE “Keeping children safe in education” statutory guidance for schools.

The child protection and safeguarding policy should be read and referenced in conjunction with the following school’s other policies:

Support for families

Safeguarding newsletters

Online payments

Online payments

Parents and carers can now pay for school trips and visits with a debit or credit card via Tucasi online payments.

If you have any queries please contact the school.

Online safety

Online safety

Staying safe online is a topic of growing relevance as we move forward into an increasingly technological world. The safety of all students within our care is our first priority at IKB Academy and learning how to stay safe online is a large part of this. We strive to educate all of our students about safe online practices both in school and at home, over a range of devices and platforms, through pastoral assemblies, PSHE lessons, plus many other curriculum areas, special events and in collaboration with the local police force and their associated online branch CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection).

Although many young people appear to have advanced online skills that outweigh most parents’ understanding, they still need support and guidance when it comes to managing their lives online and using the internet positively and safely.

Please see our child protection and safeguarding policy and anti-bullying policy for information about our current protocols and procedures in keeping our students safe.

We suggest a range of materials to inform parents about what they can do to promote online safety and educate the whole family about how to remain safe online:

Guidance from Childline containing detailed information on topics such as social networking, online grooming, gaming and sexting.

ThinkUKnow contains guidance for all age groups about how they can improve their online practises and what parents can do if they are concerned

Online safety: key information about social media (Twitter, Facebook and other social media applications)

Twitter and Facebook provide opportunities for students to communicate with friends, family and with new friends/contacts. There are also other applications which are similar to Facebook or Twitter, such as Instagram, designed for those aged 13 plus where children can make immediate connection with contacts (friends, family, acquaintances) using computers, tablets and suitably equipped mobile telephones. These sites allow children to view videos, images and text and write messages and to upload their own images (photos) which can be seen by the public or by selected groups depending on the security settings your child (or you) has/have chosen.

Twitter, Facebook and other similar sites are blocked on the internet.

Although there are many positive aspects to social media, there are important things for parents to be aware of:

  • Everything your child writes or uploads will be accessible and available to view depending on the security settings selected by your child. This could involve personal photographs/ images, comments etc.
  • It is possible to make an unpleasant comment about someone else which everyone can see.
  • It is possible to make a defamatory comment about an organisation or individual.
  • It is possible to easily view graphic pornography, violence, disturbing images, sexism, or other forms of hate speech on Facebook and/or Twitter. This is also the case on other types of social media such as Instagram.
  • If your child has a Smartphone with 3G or 4G technology they will be able to access the internet and in school internet filtering will not have any effect on what a student can see on their personal device.
  • Here a number of useful social media sites guides for parents and carers
  • Parents’ online safety helpline (Pdf, 357kb) gives parents and carers ideas to consider and useful links about gaming, bullying, live streaming, apps and instant messaging.

Online safety: what can parents do to keep their children safe?

We suggest that all home computer networks have the appropriate parental controls in place to protect young people from visiting dangerous areas of the internet. Childnet have put together some very useful information on how to do this.

If you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online, then make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors

If you have a concern about a family members online safety then please submit a report to Childnet or the police.

A simple and effective way to get involved with your children and their lives online is through discussion. Consider using these conversation starters for parents and carers to get the ball rolling: 

  1. Ask your children to tell you about the sites they like to visit and what they enjoy doing online.
  2. Ask them about how they stay safe online. What tips do they have for you, and where did they learn them? What is OK and not OK to share?
  3. Ask them if they know where to go for help, where to find the safety advice, privacy settings and how to report or block on the services they use.
  4. Encourage them to help. Perhaps they can show you how to do something better online or they might have a friend who would benefit from their help and support.
  5. Think about how you use the internet as a family. What could you do to get more out of the internet together and further enjoy your lives online?

Online safety: what can parents do if they have any concerns?

If you have a concern of any kind, please do not ‘wait and see’ or assume that someone else is dealing with it. Please contact the school immediately or see the sources of additional information below:

Sexting and online sexual exploitation

The Lucy Faithful Foundation is the only UK-wide charity focused solely on reducing the risk of children being sexually abused and exploited and as part of their work they offer support for parents whose children have been affected by these issues.

The guide, What's the problem? is aimed at supporting parents whose children have already got into trouble online – helping them to understand what has happened, why and how parents can talk to their children and get further support.

Further information


Policies and other key documents

Policies and other key documents

More information



It is the B&NES admissions and transport team who are responsible for determining entitlement to school transport.

Email: admissions_transport@bathnes.gov.uk
Tel: 01225 394312

Further details are on B&NES home to school transport.

Emergency closure

Emergency closure

Severe weather conditions

Severe weather conditions before departure for school (if for example, there is a heavy fall of snow during the night, the following arrangements will apply)

  • In the unlikely event of school closure, an announcement will be made via the school website and the Local Authority will also be notified.
  • If the school remains open but you decide, based on local road and weather conditions, not to send your son/daughter into school, you must telephone the school and leave a message on the student absence line as you would for any absence.

Severe or deteriorating weather conditions during the school day

With our students’ safety in mind we shall keep a constant check on road condition reports and weather forecasts. If conditions worsen during the day or if bus operators advise on an early departure, it would normally be our policy:

  • To enable students to begin their journey home before buses are taken off the roads and before daylight fades
  • To allow parents from outlying areas to pick up their children earlier in the day. You should call at reception in the main building and ask us to find your child. There is no need to telephone first
  • To give students access to telephones to contact their parents.

It is absolutely essential that you give your child clear instructions now for use in this kind of emergency. Make sure they have up-to-date telephone numbers and that they know how to contact you or some other responsible person. Ensure, also, that your child can get into the house in your absence.