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Curriculum overview

Curriculum overview

As a Futura Learning Partnership school, we follow the Futura curriculum (Pdf) that has been developed by cross-phase subject specialists and encapsulates our core values: respect, opportunity, collaboration and aspiration. This curriculum spans the 2-19 age range and has been planned to give the optimum knowledge sequence for building secure schema, with knowledge underpinning and enabling the application of skills. Progression through the curriculum is by shared age related expectations and at each phase the curriculum draws on the latest thinking and research and focuses on closing gaps, early intervention, and developing core literacy and numeracy skills for success.

Our curriculum is designed to reflect our status as a STEM studio school and to inspire and support students in their progression to Post 16 education and training, then to their chosen career path or destination. We believe the curriculum has a vital role to play in preparing students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life; to promote spiritual, moral, cultural, social, intellectual and physical development and to promote British values, for example democracy and the rule of law.

We have a well-developed care, advice and guidance programme to support students at each point in their school career and individual meetings with prospective students, their parents/carers support option choices into Year 10 and 12.

Cross curricular elements, including PSHE (personal social and health education), SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development), CEIAG (Careers education, information, advice and guidance) and British values, are delivered through dedicated PSHE lessons, the subject content of lessons, the tutorial programme, assemblies and discrete activities for year groups or identified groups of students. Please see the careers section of the website for more details.

All students in Year 10 attend two separate weeks of work placements in Terms 4 and 6. These are bespoke and support their aspirations for the future. In the run up to the work placements students develop employability skills during tutor time to support their success in the workplace. Year 10 students also attend one week of enrichment activities that develops employability skills, delivers specific PSHE and SMSC outcomes and enriches the school STEM curriculum. In this way our curriculum offer at IKB is unique and drives our vision for all IKB students to be ‘resilient and confident young adults with exceptional qualifications, experiences and skills’.

More information

KS4 (Year 10 & 11)

KS4 (Year 10 & 11)

Mathematics, English and Science are the foundation for all STEM subjects and therefore all IKB students study the following core subjects.

  • GCSE English Language
  • GCSE English Literature
  • GCSE Mathematics
  • GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Separate) or GCSE Combined Science

Our curriculum model offers more than the usual hours teaching to ensure success in these key subjects.

All students will attend two weeks work placement programme during Year 10.

Students choose three subjects (four if selecting combine science) from our options offer and we encourage students to choose at least one the following STEM options:

  • GCSE Computing
  • GCSE Product Design
  • Level 2 Engineering
  • Level 2 Construction

Students can choose Wellsway taught subjects where they fit in the block system; these include:

  • GCSE History
  • GCSE Geography
  • GCSE French
  • GCSE Spanish
  • GCSE Art
  • GCSE Textiles
  • GCSE Music
  • GCSE Drama
  • GCSE Psychology
  • GCSE Health and Social Care

And many others (availability can be discussed on request).

When students have made their subject choices we will organise the teaching blocks to maximise the availability of student choices.

The curriculum model in Year 10 and 11 is organised in the following way:








10 (combined)

15 (Separate)

Option 1


Option 2


Option 3


Core PE


PSHE & Emplyability Skills


PSHE is also delivered through a tutor and assembly programme, coupled with drop down sessions to meet current needs.

Students in Year 10 also develop employability skills during tutor time and at work placements, you can find details of our full CIAEG programme.

Sixth Form (Year 12 and 13)

Sixth Form (Year 12 and 13)

All students who wish to will have the opportunity to attend a work placement during Year 12 and this will be organised and prepared for during Term 1 and 2.

Students can choose from the full suite of courses on offer from the Futura Sixth, at IKB we encourage students to study at least one of the STEM subjects from the following: 

  • A Level Physics
  • A Level Chemistry
  • A Level Biology
  • A Level Maths
  • A Level Further Maths
  • A Level Product Design
  • A Level Computing
  • BTEC L3 Engineering (as a single qualification)
  • BTEC L3 Construction
  • BTEC L3 Applied Science
  • BTEC L3 Forensic Science
  • BTEC L3 Engineering (as a double qualification)

When students have made their subject choices we will organise the teaching blocks to maximise the availability of student choices.

Entry requirements

Entry is subject to GCSE/Key Stage 4 results. Each individual subject has its own entry requirements, however at IKB it is expected that you will have achieved a minimum of 5 GCSE grades at C/4 or above, where one must be in English or Maths.

Please see the Futura Sixth website for more information.

As an IKB Sixth Form student you get:

  • Fantastic qualifications, taught by passionate teachers in excellent facilities
  • Full study programmes designed to fulfil your future aspirations
  • Independent learning experiences with support and skills delivered through induction lessons, tutor time and PSHE
  • The opportunity to experience specialist work placements that will support your applications into competitive degree courses and apprenticeships
  • Membership of a small tutor group, meeting weekly with your individual tutor to support and guide you
  • To be part of a small unique Sixth Form where you are known and understood and encouraged to excel
  • Recognised as young adults and given the freedom to manage your own free time, wear your own clothes, build mature relationships with teachers and adults within the school
  • Subject specific trips and visits in the following areas:
  • Physics/Maths – theme park trip to develop kinematics and mechanics
  • Physics/Engineering – residential trip to Cern in Geneva, Switzerland, to develop understanding of particle physics and cutting-edge engineering
  • Biology – residential field trip to develop ecology techniques
  • Chemistry – a university residential with industry visits
  • Product Design – a trip to London to visit the Design Museum, local trips to areas of design interest
  • Engineering – industry visits to experience production and manufacturing processes across a wide variety of engineering sectors
  • An additional summer enrichment trip abroad for enjoyment with your peers, with activities to entertain you.
Year 9 - 10 Transition Work

Year 9 - 10 Transition Work

To support students that have chosen to attend IKB Academy from September, we have prepared a series of transition work documents for a number of our key subjects. This is designed to be fun and engaging work that can be done independently at home.

The work is not compulsory but certainly gives an insight to the level of support and commitment you will get from IKB Academy and its teachers.

Thank you

Transitional work

Year 10 Consolidation Summer Work

Year 10 Consolidation Summer Work


Gifted and Talented

Gifted and Talented

The IKB Academy is fully committed to personalising the learning of all students and ensuring equality of opportunity for all. We believe that every student, whatever their ability, has the right to be challenged and so encouraged to develop to their full potential.

The school wishes to encourage a growth mindset for all and, as such, would not wish to create a culture of elitism for the highest attainers. Nevertheless, we recognise the need to identify and respond to the requirements of those students with exceptional ability, and intend to use the DfE definition as our guide.


Gifted = Top 5-10% of students within school as measured by actual or potential achievement

Talented = Top 5-10% of students per school as measured by actual or potential achievement in the subjects of Art, Music, PE, Games and DT. (In reality, within IKB Academy we are identifying the top attainers in terms of creativity, imagination and the practical application of subjects, such as Engineering, Enterprise and ICT).

We will consider both definitions flexibly and appreciate that the definition is relational and can vary from institution to institution. Since students also can move in and out of the scope of Gifted and  Talented, as they progress throughout their education, we do not intend to label students or create a specific register. Rather, our focus will be on encouraging a praise and aspirational culture for all.



BTEC Business (Pdf, 18kb)
BTEC Construction (Pdf, 19kb)
BTEC Engineering (Pdf, 22kb)
GCSE Art and Design (Pdf, kb)
GCSE Business (Pdf, 21kb)
GCSE Chemistry (Pdf, 38kb)
GCSE Computer Science (Pdf, 16kb)
GCSE Drama (Pdf, 16kb)
GCSE English Language and English (Pdf, 25kb)
GCSE French and German (Pdf, 22kb)
GCSE Geography (Pdf, 19kb)
GCSE History (Pdf, 17kb)
GCSE ICT (Pdf, 17kb)
GCSE Maths (Pdf, 11kb)
GCSE Music (Pdf, 17kb)
GCSE Physical Education (Pdf, 25kb)
GCSE Physics (Pdf, 12kb)
GCSE Product Design (Pdf, 13kb)
GCSE Maths (Pdf, 940kb)
GCSE Triple Science (Pdf, 1.4mb)



At IKB, we are committed to promoting literacy to the highest possible level; this is integral to every young person’s future success and happiness. For this reason, literacy is developed in Key Stage 4 within each subject area through the following:

  • High expectations in terms of oracy (students’ verbal responses in the classroom)
  • Literacy mats to support responses to exam questions, with a particular focus on specific subject terminology and extended writing
  • Marking and feedback on spelling, grammar and punctuation across every subject area

We have also developed a focused reading programme, which includes:

  • Tutor group reading two mornings a week in Year 10 and Year 11 – students follow as their tutors read to them from a range of challenging texts
  • Drop Everything and Read once a week for Year 10 – students have been given the opportunity to choose their own book (fiction or non-fiction) that the school has purchased for them and spend 1 hour per week reading and reflecting on their chosen book

This reading programme is designed to develop students’ vocabulary, reading comprehension, cultural capital and creativity, as well as instil a desire to read for pleasure both inside and outside of school.

Career Pathways

Career Pathways

Career Pathways



At IKB we value enrichment as vital part of the learning experience, it provides the students opportunities to develop their personal skills through a number of vibrant enrichment activities that range from sporting activities through to immersing themselves in a STEM topic.

Typical enrichment activities are:

Duke of Edinburgh award, Ten Tors, Robot Wars, Greenpower Fromula 24, Private Study, Volunteering, Ice Skating, 5 A-Side Football, Rock Climbing etc…